Struggle is real weh


Just had my burger special for dinner.

So for today aku tak boleh nak cakap aku okay.
But so far I survived.
Struggling of something right now is quite hard.
But ya. No choice.
No matter what I have to face this.

I've been thinking to stop sharing all my personal life in soc med.
Maybe akan datang I'll stop blogging
Sbb aku rasa aku tak bawa apa2 kebaikan.
Same like I did to my Instagram.
I just leave it.
Bila dah sign out, aku dah uninstall rasa memang nak sign in balik.
Tapi bila fikir semula, nothing good in me.
So nak share apa lagi dekat situ?

So I decided to let it be.
I won't deactivated it.
Just let it be.

This hard time really hits me so bad.
I need a person to talk to but nobody was there.

But one thing I realised.
Aku je ada.
So I have to be strong no matter what.
Locking myself in the room, hahah.
Budak rumah langsung aku tak tegur.
But ya.
I'm sorry for that.
Bcs sometimes I need that space.
I never been like this before.
And this is my first time.
Like seriously it's really hard for me.

The best part is when one of my housemate knocked the door, asking aku okay tak? Sakit ke?
Nak pergi hospital?
Kenapa muka pucat and all..
Just relax.
I'm struggling right now.


My talk:) I'm doing posting not because to you guys read and pity me. Soon I'll read back my post and tengok sejauh mana aku dah berjaya keluar dari benda ni.

Thanks for reading :)

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